freakylicious @parallelvienna art fair 2022
Lia Quirina and the star of the exhibition: ALIENWORM
exhibition view in mirror:
Margareta Klose, selfie competence, 2022, pink print on mirror
selfie competence is a screen print, a pink selfie print on mirror:
Combining two heterotopias the mirror reflects and transports a real
location into a virtual heterotopia and shows what is hidden in the
viewer’s back, as well as the mask shows and transforms what it’s hiding:
the trans-face. The presence shows an absence, a self-reflexive and
self-reflective paradox. The selfie replaces the mirror’s reflection:
mirroring is fundamental for Human survival and intersubjectivity.
To print a masked selfie on a mirror combines two heterotopias
colliding into a heterogenous transcending and transforming image
constantly dealing with space and body, and virtuality.
The printed selfie was taken after a collective performance while wearing
a cosmetic face mask. The cosmetic mask is visible only from special
perspectives and light conditions due to the fine screen print
directly on the dark mirror. That is why visitors, spectators, and voyeurs
are invoked to change positions and standpoints, perspectives.
Anna Pelz
Bernice Sokol Kramer
Susan Lisbin, ceramics

slugs’n’tongues 2022
oral poem animation maggie close with Peter Várnai
The video is showing a fantasmatic parallel reality where entities morph between slugs and tongues like microbes while producing velar, uvular and glottal noises and performing love poems. Margareta Klose bei der Art Collection Schlichtner
cista caryatid, 2013 – 2022, various materials in preservation jars
courtesy of Margareta Klose, Art Collection Schlichtner and Galerie Sophia Vonier Salzburg